CompCare medicine benefits: 2017

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Non-income based plans

Compcare Pinnacle 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 200% scheme rate for specialists. Some co-payments. Comprehensive cover with savings, extended fund, and limited above threshold benefits that cover most out-of-hospital benefits (with limits).
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 46 conditions covered
  • non-PMBs limited to R11,100 per person and R16,700 per family
  • non-PMBs above-threshold limited to R4,175 per family, subject to sub-limits
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R5,328 R4,146 R1,476
Children: Pay for all children
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Comprehensive cover with savings, extended fund, and limited above threshold benefits that cover most out-of-hospital benefits (with limits).
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R12,816 R9,936 R3,528
Extended Fund: R3,197 R2,488 R886
(SP) Self Payment: R1,900 R1,416 R460
Threshold (S+SP): R17,913 R13,840 R4,874
Above Threshold: R8,700 pb
R17,400 pf
17,400 pf

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid from day-to-day benefit
  • Limited to R3,475 per family from above-threshold
3. Over-the-counter:
  • R200 per event>, from day-to-day benefit
  • Limited to R920 per person and R1,310 per family
  • Not payable from above-threshold benefit, and does not accumulate to threshold
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply
5. Birth Control:
  • R120 per person per month
6. Notes:

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Compcare Pinnacle ED 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 200% scheme rate for specialists. Netcare hospitals. Some co-payments. Comprehensive cover with savings, extended fund, and limited above threshold benefits that cover most out-of-hospital benefits (with limits).
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 46 conditions covered
  • non-PMBs limited to R11,100 per person and R16,700 per family
  • non-PMBs above-threshold limited to R4,175 per family, subject to sub-limits
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R4,452 R3,462 R1,242
Children: Pay for all children
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Comprehensive cover with savings, extended fund, and limited above threshold benefits that cover most out-of-hospital benefits (with limits).
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R10,656 R8,280 R2,952
(SP) Self Payment: R1,900 R1,416 R460
Threshold (S+SP): R15,226 R11,774 R4,158
Above Threshold: R8,700 pb
R17,400 pf
17,400 pf

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid from day-to-day benefit
  • Limited to R3,475 per family from above-threshold
3. Over-the-counter:
  • R200 per event>, from day-to-day benefit
  • Limited to R920 per person and R1,310 per family
  • Not payable from above-threshold benefit, and does not accumulate to threshold
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply
5. Birth Control:
  • R120 per person per month
6. Notes:

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Compcare Dynamix 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some co-payments. Comprehensive cover with savings, extended fund, and limited above threshold benefits that cover most out-of-hospital benefits (with limits).
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 37 conditions covered
  • non-PMBs limited to R8,350 per person and R13,950 per family
  • non-PMBs above-threshold limited to R2,775 per family, subject to sub-limits
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R4,014 R3,138 R1,122
Children: Pay for all children
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Comprehensive cover with savings, extended fund, and limited above threshold benefits that cover most out-of-hospital benefits (with limits).
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R7,200 R5,688 R2,016
Extended Fund: R2,408 R1,883 R673
(SP) Self Payment: R5,000 R3,878 R1,402
Threshold (S+SP): R14,608 R11,449 R4,091
Above Threshold: R5,800 pb
R11,600 pf
11,600 pf

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid from day-to-day benefit
  • Limited to R2,800 per family from above-threshold
3. Over-the-counter:
  • R190 per event>, from day-to-day benefit
  • Limited to R800 per person and R1,200 per family
  • Not payable from above-threshold benefit, and does not accumulate to threshold
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply
5. Birth Control:
  • R120 per person per month
6. Notes:

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Compcare Dynamix ED 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Netcare hospitals. Some co-payments. Comprehensive cover with savings, and limited above threshold benefits that cover most out-of-hospital benefits (with limits).
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 37 conditions covered
  • non-PMBs limited to R8,350 per person and R13,950 per family
  • non-PMBs above-threshold limited to R2,775 per family, subject to sub-limits
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R3,306 R2,580 R930
Children: Pay for all children
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Comprehensive cover with savings, extended fund, and limited above threshold benefits that cover most out-of-hospital benefits (with limits).
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R5,976 R4,680 R1,656
Extended Fund: R1,984 R1,548 R558
(SP) Self Payment: R5,000 R3,878 R1,402
Threshold (S+SP): R12,960 R10,106 R3,616
Above Threshold: R5,800 pb
R11,600 pf
11,600 pf

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid from day-to-day benefit
  • Limited to R2,800 per family from above-threshold
3. Over-the-counter:
  • R190 per event>, from day-to-day benefit
  • Limited to R800 per person and R1,200 per family
  • Not payable from above-threshold benefit, and does not accumulate to threshold
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply
5. Birth Control:
  • R120 per person per month
6. Notes:

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Compcare Symmetry 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some co-payments. Scheme offers extended fund once savings are depleted, and also pays for: specialised radiology, GPs (unlimited), medical appliances and preventative benefits. Limits apply.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 20 conditions covered
  • non-PMBs limited to R4,100 per person and R6,160 per family from day-to-day benefit
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R3,186 R2,484 R900
Children: Pay for all children
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Scheme offers extended fund for claims once savings are depleted, and also pays for: specialised radiology, GPs, medical appliances and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from savings, fund or out of pocket.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R3,816 R2,952 R1,080
Extended Fund: R3,816 R2,952 R1,080

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid from day-to-day benefit
3. Over-the-counter:
  • One script per day, and R170 per event>
  • R650 per person and R1,050 per family
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply
5. Birth Control:
  • R120 per month
6. Notes:

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Compcare Symmetry ED 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Netcare hospitals. Some co-payments. Scheme offers extended fund once savings are depleted, and also pays for: specialised radiology, GPs (unlimited), medical appliances and preventative benefits. Limits apply.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 20 conditions covered
  • non-PMBs limited to R4,100 per person and R6,160 per family from day-to-day benefit
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R2,598 R2,022 R732
Children: Pay for all children
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Scheme offers extended fund for claims once savings are depleted, and also pays for: specialised radiology, GPs, medical appliances and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from savings, fund or out of pocket.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R3,118 R2,426 R878
Extended Fund: R3,118 R2,426 R878

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid from day-to-day benefit
3. Over-the-counter:
  • One script per day, and R170 per event>
  • R650 per person and R1,050 per family
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply
5. Birth Control:
  • R120 per month
6. Notes:

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Compcare Mumed 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some co-payments. Scheme offers fund for out-of-hospital claims, incl unlimited GP visits, Scheme also pays for specialised radiology, medical appliances and preventative benefits.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 10 conditions covered from day-to-day benefit
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R2,532 R1,974 R714
Children: Pay for all children
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Scheme offers fund for out-of-hospital claims, incl unlimited GP visits, Scheme also pays for specialised radiology, medical appliances and preventative benefits.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R5,376 R3,372 R1,338

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid from day-to-day benefit
3. Over-the-counter:
  • One script per day, and R160 per event>
  • R530 per person and R950 per family
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply
5. Birth Control:
  • R120 per month
6. Notes:

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Compcare Mumed ED 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Netcare hospitals. Some co-payments. Scheme offers fund for out-of-hospital claims, incl unlimited GP visits, Scheme also pays for specialised radiology, medical appliances and preventative benefits.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 10 conditions covered from day-to-day benefit
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R2,054 R1,600 R572
Children: Pay for all children
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Scheme offers fund for out-of-hospital claims, incl unlimited GP visits, Scheme also pays for specialised radiology, medical appliances and preventative benefits.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R5,376 R3,372 R1,338

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid from day-to-day benefit
3. Over-the-counter:
  • One script per day, and R160 per event>
  • R530 per person and R950 per family
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply
5. Birth Control:
  • R120 per month
6. Notes:

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Compcare Unisave 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some co-payments, incl R3,500 for each hospital admission. Over and above the savings fund, scheme pays out-of-hospital claims for): specialised radiology, maternity, appliances, preventative benefits. Limits apply.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered from day-to-day benefit
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R1,974 R1,680 R594
Children: Pay for all children
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: specialised radiology, maternity, appliances, preventative benefits. Limits apply. . Limits apply. All else paid out of savings or out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R5,904 R5,040 R1,800

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid from day-to-day benefit
3. Over-the-counter:
  • One script per day, and R150 per event>
  • R500 per person and R900 per family
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply
5. Birth Control:
  • R120 per month
6. Notes:

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Compcare Axis 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Most out-of-hospital benefits covered only if PMBs.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R1,734 R1,734 R534
Children: Pay for all children
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply
5. Birth Control:
  • R120 per month
6. Notes:

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Compcare Axis ED 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Netcare hospitals. Some exclusions apply. Most out-of-hospital benefits covered only if PMBs.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R1,260 R1,260 R396
Children: Pay for all children
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply
5. Birth Control:
  • R120 per month
6. Notes:

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Networx plans

Compcare Networx ED A 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private and public Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R330 R330 R330
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R0-R500 (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

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Compcare Networx ED B 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private and public Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R665 R632 R233
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R501-R4,000 (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

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Compcare Networx ED C 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private and public Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R687 R652 R240
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R4,001-R5,000 (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

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Compcare Networx ED D 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private and public Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R821 R779 R289
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R5,001-R6,000 (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

View this plan

Compcare Networx ED E 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private and public Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R859 R817 R301
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R6,001-R8,000 (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

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Compcare Networx ED F 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private and public Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R978 R931 R343
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R8,001-R9,000 (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

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Compcare Networx ED G 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private and public Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R1,037 R987 R364
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R9,001-R10,000 (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

View this plan

Compcare Networx ED H 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private and public Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R1,908 R1,718 R669
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R10,001+ (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

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Compcare Networx ED Plus A 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R283 R279 R154
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R0-R500 (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

View this plan

Compcare Networx ED Plus B 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R413 R405 R204
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R501-R4,000 (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

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Compcare Networx ED Plus D 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R529 R502 R251
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R5,001-R6,000 (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

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Compcare Networx ED Plus F 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R631 R599 R300
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R8,001-R9,000 (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

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Compcare Networx ED Plus G 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R668 R636 R318
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R9,001-R10,000 (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

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Compcare Networx ED Plus H 2017: Medicine Benefits
In brief: 100% scheme rate for specialists. Some exclusions apply. Private Network hospitals. Annual limit of R1,100,000 per family. Scheme pays for: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
1. Chronic:
  • PMBs chronic: paid by scheme
  • non-PMBs chronic: additional 1 condition covered
Overall Annual Limit (OAL):
R1,100,000 per family
Main: Adult: Child:
Total Cost: R1,318 R1,186 R585
Children: Pay for all children
Income limit: R10,001+ (other limits)
Day-to-Day Benefit:
Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, medicine, radiology, pathology, maternity and preventative benefits. All else paid from out of fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB.
Main: Adult: Child:
(S) Savings: R0- R0- R0-
Extended Fund: R2,800 (main) R4,170 (family) R

Compare with these plans:

2. Acute (presrcibed) medication:
  • Paid by scheme
3. Over-the-counter:
  • No benefit
4. On Discharge:
  • 7 days supply and R 280 per discharge
5. Birth Control:
  • R95 per month
6. Notes:
  • Meds must be prescribed by a Universal Network provider and dispensed by network pharmacy
  • Only formulary is covered, unless otherwise authorised
  • Reference pricing

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