Compare and find the best medical aid plans for your needs
Frequently asked questions:
How medical aids work
Will I have to pay a Late Joiner Penalty?
Do I need a medical aid broker?
How do I complain about a medical aid issue?
When can I change my medical aid plan?
What are “Waiting periods”?
Can I be refused membership of a Medical Aid Scheme?
How do I change my medical aid plan?
All the jargon explained
About us:
We understand that access to quality private healthcare and medical aids is expensive, but that it is a priority for you and for your family. We are committed to helping you make the best choices by giving you the information that you need, in a format that is easy to understand and comparable across all offerings.
At the core of this website are our three pillar values: transparency, neutrality and clarity. We hope that by offering this information – free of charge whether you are our client or not – you and your family can benefit from the best healthcare that your money can buy.
If you would like us to receive individual advice or you would like to appoint a broker (free of charge to you), please visit our commercial partner,