We investigated all the open medical schemes, and discovered some discrepancies in how some schemes are representing the late joiner penalties (LJP). Bestmed was one of those schemes.
As a result, we submitted a complaint to the Council of Medical Schemes. You can see a copy of the complaint below.
In brief, on their application forms, Bestmed is saying that they will not apply any medical aid cover prior to age 35 as a credit when working out your LJP. They are required to apply the credit by law. And by not allowing the credit, they could be imposing up to 25% surcharge on your premium unfairly. To find out more about how the LJP is calculated, see here.
If you are a Bestmed member (or a member of any scheme, for that matter) and are paying a Late Joiner Penalty, we urge you to verify that the rate you are paying is correct. You can find out how to do so here.
And, if you are a LJP payer,please consider chatting to us about your experience. Is your penalty calculated correctly? Are you still unsure? We are crowdsourcing this information to get a clearer picture of how members are affected by this misinformation and confusion regarding LJPs.
All our articles on the Late Joiner Penalty
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