Payout Rate for Specialists: |
Overall Annual Limit (OAL): |
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits |
Contributions: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
Total Cost: |
R4,565 |
R4,345 |
R1,130 |
Children: |
Pay for all children |
Day-to-Day Benefit: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
(S) Savings: |
R0- |
R0- |
R0- |
Compare with these plans: |
Hospital Choice: |
Specialised Radiology: |
- R18,755 per family with R1,892 co-payment. In and out of hospital
Supplementary Services: (Physio, etc) |
Transplants: |
Co-payments: |
- Dental admissions: R2,504 co-payment
- Hysteroscopy: R2,816 co-payment
- Arthroscopy, endometrial ablation, laparoscopic procedures, urinary incontinence repair, varicose veins, conservative back, spinal treatment: R3,751 co-payment
- Joint replacements: R7,157 co-payment
- Spinal surgery: R7,824 co-payment
Alternatives to hospitals: |
- Home nursing: 12 days per family
- Hospice, rehab and step down facility: 21 days per family
GP consultations: |
- Paid from limit below
- Limit shared with GPs, specialists, dentistry and optometry
Main | Adult | Child | R14,157 | R10,618 | R1,481 |
Overall Annual Limit (OAL): |
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits |
Contributions: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
Total Cost: |
R4,565 |
R4,345 |
R1,130 |
Children: |
Pay for all children |
Day-to-Day Benefit: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
(S) Savings: |
R0- |
R0- |
R0- |
Compare with these plans: |
Specialists consultations: |
- M= 4 consults, M1 =5 consults, M2+ =6 consults, subject to limits below
- Limit shared with GPs, specialists, dentistry and optometry
Main | Adult | Child | R14,157 | R10,618 | R1,481 |
Pathology: |
- Paid from limit below, with these sub limits: M =R3,183; M1 =R3,907; M2+ =R4,719
- Limit below shared with supplementary health, std radiology and pathology, physio, mental health, speech therapy and audiology, acute medication
M | M1 | M2+ | R7,424 | R13,067 | R14,191 |
General radiology: |
- Paid from limit below, with these sub limits: M =R3,183; M1 =R3,907; M2+ =R4,719
- Limit below shared with supplementary health, std radiology and pathology, physio, mental health, speech therapy and audiology, acute medication
M | M1 | M2+ | R7,424 | R13,067 | R14,191 |
Specialised radiology: |
- R18,755 per family with R1,892 co-payment. In and out of hospital
Supplementary Services: (Physio, etc) |
- Paid from limit below, with these sub limits: M =R3,183; M1 =4,719; M2+ =R6,244
- Physio: R1,392 per family sub-limit
- Speech therapy and audiology: R1,592 per family sublimit
- Limit below shared with supplementary health, std radiology and pathology, physio, mental health, speech therapy and audiology, acute medication
M | M1 | M2+ | R7,424 | R13,067 | R14,191 |
Dentistry: |
- Standard dentistry: covered up to limits below. Sub limits apply
- Specialised dentistry: R13,356 sublimit per family. Includes crowns, bridges, implants, metal dentures, periodontics
- Overall dentistry limit shared with GPs, specialists, dentistry and optometry, as below
Main | Adult | Child | R14,157 | R10,618 | R1,481 |
Overall Annual Limit (OAL): |
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits |
Contributions: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
Total Cost: |
R4,565 |
R4,345 |
R1,130 |
Children: |
Pay for all children |
Day-to-Day Benefit: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
(S) Savings: |
R0- |
R0- |
R0- |
Compare with these plans: |
Orthodontics: |
See above |
Maxillo Facial Surgery: |
Chronic: |
- PMB chronic: paid by scheme
- non-PMBs: Additional 28 conditions covered
- M= R5,488 and M+= R10,964. Thereafter, only PMBs covered.
Overall Annual Limit (OAL): |
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits |
Contributions: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
Total Cost: |
R4,565 |
R4,345 |
R1,130 |
Children: |
Pay for all children |
Day-to-Day Benefit: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
(S) Savings: |
R0- |
R0- |
R0- |
Compare with these plans: |
Acute (presrcibed) medication: |
- Limit below shared with supplementary health, std radiology and pathology, physio, mental health, speech therapy and audiology, acute medication
M | M1 | M2+ | R7,424 | R13,067 | R14,191 |
Over-the-counter: |
- Paid from limit below, with these sub limits: M =R2,248; M1 =R3,873; M2+ =R4,229
- Limit below shared with supplementary health, std radiology and pathology, physio, mental health, speech therapy and audiology, acute medication
M | M1 | M2+ | R7,424 | R13,067 | R14,191 |
Birth Control: |
- R1,496 per female, from preventative benefit limit
On Discharge: |
Notes: |
- Chronic meds: Must be obtained from DSP. Formularies apply. Reference and GRP pricing apply
Optometry: |
- Single vision: R2,104 per person incl frame, lenses and consult
- Bifocal: R2,538 per person incl frame, lenses and consult
- Multifocal: R3,183 per person incl frame, lenses and consult
- or, Contact lenses: R2,371 per person
Paid from limit below, every 2 years.
Limit shared with GPs, specialists, dentistry and optometry
Main | Adult | Child | R14,157 | R10,618 | R1,481 |
Overall Annual Limit (OAL): |
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits |
Contributions: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
Total Cost: |
R4,565 |
R4,345 |
R1,130 |
Children: |
Pay for all children |
Day-to-Day Benefit: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
(S) Savings: |
R0- |
R0- |
R0- |
Compare with these plans: |
In-hospital: |
Overall Annual Limit (OAL): |
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits |
Contributions: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
Total Cost: |
R4,565 |
R4,345 |
R1,130 |
Children: |
Pay for all children |
Day-to-Day Benefit: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
(S) Savings: |
R0- |
R0- |
R0- |
Compare with these plans: |
Out-of-hospital: |
- R1,392 per family, subject to limit below (shared with supplementary health, std radiology and pathology, physio, mental health, speech therapy and audiology, acute medication)
M | M1 | M2+ | R7,424 | R13,067 | R14,191 |
General Appliances: |
Overall Annual Limit (OAL): |
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits |
Contributions: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
Total Cost: |
R4,565 |
R4,345 |
R1,130 |
Children: |
Pay for all children |
Day-to-Day Benefit: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
(S) Savings: |
R0- |
R0- |
R0- |
Compare with these plans: |
1.1. Hearing Aids: |
See above |
1.2. Wheelchairs: |
See above |
Dialysis: |
- Unlimited, at network providers
HIV: |
- Covered at network hospitals if on HIV Management Programme
Emergency Transport: |
Netcare 911 |
International Coverage: |
- R2 million per person per emergency incident
Other: |
- Cochlear implants: R125,057 per family
- Trauma counselling: 3 psychologist visits per person
Flu vaccination: |
- Covered subject to overall R3,751 per family for preventative care benefits
Overall Annual Limit (OAL): |
Unlimited overall, with sub-limits |
Contributions: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
Total Cost: |
R4,565 |
R4,345 |
R1,130 |
Children: |
Pay for all children |
Day-to-Day Benefit: |
Main: |
Adult: |
Child: |
(S) Savings: |
R0- |
R0- |
R0- |
Compare with these plans: |
Pneumonia vaccines: |
Back Rehabilitation Programme: |
Biometric Screening: |
- Covered subject to overall R3,751 per family for preventative care benefits
Child Immunisation: |
- Covered subject to overall R3,751 per family for preventative care benefits
Pap Smear: |
- Covered subject to overall R3,751 per family for preventative care benefits
Mammogram: |
- Covered subject to overall R3,751 per family for preventative care benefits. 35yrs+.
PAS Test: |
- Covered subject to overall R3,751 per family for preventative care benefits
HIV Test: |
- Covered subject to overall R3,751 per family for preventative care benefits
| |