Medical aid plans that cost R2,250-R3,000pm for main member

Fedhealth Maxima Basis Grid 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,251 R1,916 R679 R4,056 R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: post hospitalisation treatment (30 days), casualty visits, GP visits, specialised radiology, contraceptives, some dentistry and maternity, optometry, preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from savings or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for all children.

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Fedhealth Maxima Standard Elect 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,316 R1,974 R694 R5,004 R R6,196 No limit, with 20% co-payment

Comprehensive plan with extended fund and threshold benefits (with 20% co-payment) that can be used for most out-of-hospital claims. Pay for all children.

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Topmed Savings 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,317 R1,850 R698 R4,452 R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: specialised radiology (with co-payment), maternity, scopes, alternatives to hospitalisation, extended rehab benefits, preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from savings or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children.

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Momentum Incentive Network hospital (and Network provider for chronic) 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,323 R1,848 R949 R2,788 R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: specialised radiology (co-payment), maternity, preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from savings or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children.

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Sizwe Primary Care C 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,326 R1,519 R480 R0- R R

Pay for all children. Income-limited plan: R8,767+pm only

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Bestmed Beat 3 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,359 R1,676 R911 R4,812 R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: Preventative dentistry, optometry, maternity, wound care, specialised radiology, contraceptives, some medicine and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from savings or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 4 children.

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Resolution Progressive Flex Plus 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,369 R2,219 R733 R0- R R

Pay for all children.

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Fedhealth Blue Door E YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,378 R2,061 R895 R0- R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: prescribed medication, GP consults, dentistry, optometry. Limits apply. All else paid from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for all children. Income-limited plan: R12,001+pm only

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Spectramed Cyan B 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,396 R2,296 R960 R4,020 R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from savings or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children. Income-limited plan: R8,001+pm only

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Suremed Navigator 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,400 R1,900 R720 R3,960 R8,500 pp R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: medication, appliances, dentistry, GPs and specialists, maternity, non surgical procedures, optometry, supplementary services, pathology, radiology, specialised radiology, preventative care, alternative to hospitals. Limits apply. All else paid out of savings or out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for all children.

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Selfmed Selfsure 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,456 R2,451 R836 R0- R R

Pay for maximum 3 children.

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Fedhealth Maxima Basis 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,501 R2,129 R754 R4,500 R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: post hospitalisation treatment (30 days), casualty visits, GP visits, specialised radiology, contraceptives, some dentistry and maternity, optometry, preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from savings or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for all children.

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Momentum Incentive (Network provider for chronic) 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,506 R2,010 R1,089 R3,007 R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: specialised radiology (co-payment), maternity, preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from savings or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children.

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Momentum Incentive Network hospital (and any provider for chronic) 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,529 R2,034 R826 R3,035 R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: specialised radiology (co-payment), maternity, preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from savings or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children.

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Compcare Mumed 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,532 R1,974 R714 R0- R5,376 R

Scheme offers fund for out-of-hospital claims, incl unlimited GP visits, Scheme also pays for specialised radiology, medical appliances and preventative benefits. Pay for all children.

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Medshield MediPlus 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,544 R1,797 R558 R0- RM=R6,750
M1 =R9,420
M2 =R10,600
M3 = R11,910
M4+ +R13,050

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: specialised radiology, maternity, alternative to hospitalisation, optometry, some non-surgical procedures including scopes,preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from extended fund or out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for three children only.

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Discovery Essential Priority 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,551 R2,004 R1,012 R4,584 R R8,566 11,150

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: Comprehensive cover that covers most out-of-hospital benefits (with sub limits) with limited above threshold benefit. Extended benefit covers some claims while in self-payment gap. All else paid from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children.

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Medshield MediSaver 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,571 R2,151 R615 R6,192 R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: specialised radiology (co-payment), alternatives to hospitalisation, some non-surgical procedures including scopes, maternity, preventative benefits, dentistry. Limits apply. All else paid from savings or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for three children only.

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Discovery Classic Saver 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,577 R2,029 R1,031 R7,728 R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GP consults, maternity, kids' casualty if savings run out. Limits apply. All else paid from savings or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children.

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Bonitas Standard Select 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,597 R2,247 R760 R0- R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, specialised radiology, mental health, medical appliances, hearing aids, optometry, dentistry, maternity, infant paediatrics and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children .

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Compcare Symmetry ED 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,598 R2,022 R732 R3,118 R3,118 R

Scheme offers extended fund for claims once savings are depleted, and also pays for: specialised radiology, GPs, medical appliances and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from savings, fund or out of pocket. Pay for all children.

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Medihelp Dimension Prime 3 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,730 R2,316 R798 R0- R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: specialised radiology (co-payment), maternity, GPs, specialists, supplementary health and medication, dentistry, optometry, medical appliances. Limits apply. All else paid from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 2 children under 18yrs. .

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Sizwe Affordable Care A 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,733 R2,511 R630 R0- R R

Pay for all children. Income-limited plan: R0-R15,052pm only

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Momentum Incentive (Any provider for chronic) 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,794 R2,270 R389 R3,288 R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: specialised radiology (co-payment), maternity, preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from savings or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children.

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Sizwe Savings Care B 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,800 R2,243 R555 R5,040 R R

Pay for all children. Income-limited plan: R15,053+pm only

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Medimed Max A 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,810 R2,810 R500 R13,430 R5,000 pp R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: specialised radiology, maternity, preventative benefits, some medication. Limits apply. All else paid from savings, extended fund (max R10,000 per family) or out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for all children. Income-limited plan: R0-R10,000pm only

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Sizwe Affordable Care B 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,843 R2,610 R660 R0- R R

Pay for all children. Income-limited plan: R15,053-R18,444pm only

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Bonitas BonComplete 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,923 R2,340 R794 R5,256 R R1,568 R4,150

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: specialised radiology, mental health, dentistry, maternity, infant paediatrics and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from savings, or from above threshold benefit or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children .

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Commed Standard A 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,946 R2,413 R591 R4,419 R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: Alternative to hopitalisation, mammogram and external appliances. Limits apply. All else paid from out of savings or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for all children. Income-limited plan: R0-R6,000pm only

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Hosmed Value 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,964 R2,144 R482 R0- R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, specialists, medicine, pathology, radiology, specialised radiology, optometry, dentistry, appliances, mental health, supplementary services, maternity benefits, preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children.

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Discovery Classic Priority 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,968 R2,337 R1,187 R8,904 R R4,246 11,150

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: Comprehensive cover that covers most out-of-hospital benefits (with sub limits) with limited above threshold benefit. Extended benefit covers some claims while in self-payment gap. All else paid from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children.

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Keyhealth Silver 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,977 R1,601 R620 R0- R6,485 R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: specialised radiology (co-payment), dentistry, medicine, optometry, maternity, medical appliances, preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children.

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Bonitas Standard 2017 YOU PAY: YOU GET (for main member):
Main: Adult: Child: Savings Extra Fund Self Pay ATB
R2,998 R2,600 R880 R0- R R

Out-of-hospital, scheme pays for some: GPs, specialised radiology, mental health, medical appliances, hearing aids, optometry, dentistry, maternity, infant paediatrics and preventative benefits. Limits apply. All else paid from fund or from out of pocket, unless PMB. Pay for maximum 3 children .

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